Accredited programs
Trafficking in Human Beings (Children) - Prevention and Education
ASTRA’s program for teachers “Trafficking in human beings (children) – prevention and education” has been accredited several times by the Institute for the Advancement of Education. The program is implemented in order to sensitize teachers (in secondary and primary schools) and train them to identify potential victims of trafficking in human beings (children), as well as to develop the potential for timely prevention and education that will focus on the most vulnerable part of the secondary school population. It has been assessed that this program contributes to the improvement of educational practice, as well as that it meets the conditions for successful implementation in the program of direct preventive work. The catalogue of accredited programs is available on the website of the Institute for the Advancement of Education.
The practice so far has shown that a society cannot rely only on sporadic engagement in combating human trafficking in the media or through various types of “special” education (workshops, round tables, panel discussions etc.), but that preventive and educational activities must begin precisely within the educational system, because the school, in addition to teaching, has an educational role in the development and supporting independence of young people. Timely and systematic education and prevention of the problem of trafficking in human beings (children) conducted by teachers and professional associates, is one of the most effective methods for its suppression.
Priority area
Strengthening the educational role of the educational institution through the development of programs for the prevention of violence, discrimination, abuse and neglect.
General objectives
Introducing teachers and professional associates at primary and secondary schools to the problem of child trafficking for the purpose of general prevention, identifying children at risk for support and referral, as well as support for social and educational inclusion of child victims.
Specific objectives
Acquiring knowledge and skills by teachers and professional associates to conduct preventive education of students in the field of protection against human trafficking within their regular teaching activities; sensitization of teachers and professional associates to recognize and adequately respond in specific cases of potential victims whom they meet during their regular teaching work; sensitization of teachers and professional associates for the work with child victims of human trafficking who returned to school after exiting the trafficking chain.
Support to Victims of Trafficking in the Social Protection System - Detection, Needs Assessment and Support Planning
ASTRA’s program “Support to Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Social Protection System – Detection, Needs Assessment and Support Planning” accredited by the decision of the Accreditation Committee of the Republic Institute for Social Protection within the Program of measures and activities for continuous professional development of professional workers employed in social protection institutions.
The objectives of the program are training of employees to provide adequate assistance to victims of human trafficking, within their competence, through the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of human trafficking; acquiring skills to identify (persumed) victims of trafficking; developing sensitivity and acquiring knowledge and skills for communication with the victim; getting acquainted with the existing mechanisms for combating trafficking in human beings in the Republic of Serbia and considering possible cooperation; acquiring knowledge and skills for the needs assessment and support planning for victims of trafficking.
If you are interested in attending the program “Support to Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Social Protection System – Detection, Needs Assessment and Support Planning”, contact us at
Foster Family as a Place of Recovery and Reintegration of Trafficked Victims
ASTRA’s program “Foster family as a place of recovery and reintegration of trafficked victims” has been accredited by the Republic Institute for Social Protection several times.
Participants can learn about the concept of trafficking, with an emphasis on the experience of trafficking as a complex trauma, its consequence, specific needs arising from this experience, and finally the rules of communication with children who have survived violence and exploitation. The training lasts two days and is intended for professionals who work in the Centre for Family Accommodation and Adoption, but also for all professionals who are in direct contact with family accommodation providers.
If you are interested in attending the program “Foster family as a place of recovery and reintegration of trafficked victims”, contact us at .
Instructions for the SOS Line Support for Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings
ASTRA’s “SOS Line for Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings” program is accredited by the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs. It consists of initial training, i.e. instructions, and months of practice.
After the instructions for the selected and motivated candidates, a mandatory practical three-month training is provided. This is followed by an internship at ASTRA for 3 to 6 months. Licensed ASTRA SOS consultants, through individual mentorships, guide and train candidates through daily and direct work with victims and presumed victims of human trafficking, as well as victims of trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation. During the training and internship at ASTRA, all candidates have the opportunity to acquire practical knowledge on direct work with victims, protection and respect for the rights of victims, as well as on regulatory mechanisms in the judiciary and police.
The instructions are intended for graduate / licensed experts and final year students of humanities (psychology, pedagogy, andragogy, social work, defectology, etc.), as well as graduates and final year students of the Faculty of Law.
Health Consequences of Human Trafficking
ASTRA’s program “Health Consequences of Human Trafficking” has been accredited several times by the Health Council of Serbia as a National Course of the first category. The training lasts 1 day and is conducted in order to sensitize health professionals to treat victims of trafficking in accordance with their rights. The training is a result of the fact that health workers very often, without even being aware of it, come into contact with (potential) victims of human trafficking.
Course participants will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the following topics: the concept of trafficking, risk factors, indicators for identifying victims or potential victims of trafficking, trends and the most common forms of trafficking.
Experts with many years of experience of direct work with victims of trafficking talk about these topics. Special attention is paid to the topic of Human trafficking as a traumatic event, which is discussed by ASTRA’s associates, psychologists and neuropsychiatrists. The topic is approached from a humanistic point of view and the complexity of trauma, its consequences for victims of trafficking, the recovery process, and the importance of choosing appropriate therapy are explained. Among the lecturers are professors of forensic medicine, who will talk to the participants about the rules of documenting bodily injuries, what they indicate and how they can be important for processing the case.
The course is intended for health professionals – doctors, general practitioners and specialists, as well as health associates.
If you are interested in attending the “Health Consequences of Human Trafficking” training, contact us at