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“One story – two outcomes” campaign


Campaign launch “One story, Two Outcomes”: urging European Governments to give trafficked people their rights.

United against human trafficking in Europe, the LSI NGO Platform launches their campaign “One Story, Two Outcomes” on UN Human Rights Day. The platform, consisting of 19 NGOs across Europe, aims to show that a bad situation can have different endings. It all depends on whether you give victims of human trafficking access to their rights or not. The NGO Platform was driven by the fact that despite the important legislation in place to protect trafficked people’s rights, many violations of these rights still occur.

Anna’s story
The campaign “One Story, Two Outcomes” describes the experience of Anna, who unsuspectingly finds herself ruthlessly exploited by her employer. One day the police raid the place where she is being held and subsequently identify her as a victim of human trafficking. Based on real life examples, Anna’s story illustrates the negative snowball effect that can happen if rights are not granted once the person is taken out of the situation. “By telling the story of Anna and providing examples similar to hers, we hope to inspire governments and relevant public services to continue improving the rights protection of trafficked people. As we deal with real life cases in our work, we are in a good position to present the grassroots perspective” says Hoff. “We also want to emphasise that trafficked people are not helpless victims. Given the right tools they can turn a corner and rebuild their own lives”. You can read the story of Anna by clicking on the picture bellow the text.

The LSI NGO Platform consists of 19 European organizations: Gender Perspectives (Belarus), Animus Association (Bulgaria), La Strada Czech Republic, Open Gate (Macedonia), La Strada Moldova, CoMensha (The Netherlands), La Strada Poland, La Strada Ukraine, Association of Young Azerbaijani Friends of Europe, Anti-Slavery International (UK), ASTRA – Anti-Trafficking Action (Serbia), Hope Now (Denmark), KOK (Germany), Lefö (Austria), Living for Tomorrow (Estonia), Novi Put (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Pag-Asa (Belgium), PICUM (Belgium), Proyecto Esperanza (Spain).


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