ASTRA – Anti-trafficking action invites legal consultants to apply to a public call issued within the project “Child Rights in Serbia – Improving Outcomes for Children in the Justice System of the Republic of Serbia” in order to conduct an analysis “Child-Friendly Justice – Legal and Policy Framework and its Application in Practice”. The realization of child-friendly justice principle implies an adjusted justice system, which is more appropriate for children and proceedings available to the children in terms of obligatory legal representation. This means that children are given the opportunity to protect their rights and interests should they come in contact with the judicial and administrative system, either as witnesses, victims or criminal offenders.
Project is financially supported by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020 of the European Union, and it is implemented jointly by ASTRA and its partner organizations – International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Child Rights Centre (CRC). More about this call’s terms and deadlines, find out in the following text.
Analysis “Child-Friendly Justice Legal and Policy Framework: its Application in Practice” D.2.2.
Within the project Child Rights in Serbia – Improving Outcomes for Children in the Serbian Justice System (CRIS)
To Whom It May Concern,
We are inviting you to submit an offer for providing a service Analysis “Child-Friendly Justice Legal and Policy Framework: its Application in Practice” D.2.2. within the project – Child Rights in Serbia – Improving Outcomes for Children in the Serbian Justice System (CRIS), supported by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020 of the European Union.
A detailed description of the Action and of the assignments to be performed within the scope of work is presented in the Terms of Reference enclosed as an integral part of this Invitation you can find HERE.
Your proposal should contain:
(1) Your CV in English or Serbian language
(2) Filled in application form (enclosed as an integral part of this Invitation) containing:
(i.) Contact information,
(ii.) Gross fee for providing services as specified in ToR,
(iii.) References.
Please send us your proposal by e-mail, regular mail or in person by April 16, 2020, to the following addresses:, or ASTRA, Terazije 6, 11000 Beograd, Republic of Serbia.
The evaluation of the proposals shall be done by ASTRA’s evaluation committee based on the experience of the offerer and offered price of the service, using the best value for money principle. The best value for money is established by weighing technical quality against price on an 80/20 basis.
All candidates shall be notified of the decision by April, 21st 2020
Looking forward to receiving your proposal,
ASTRA team