ASTRA’s Report on Human Trafficking in Serbia for the period 2000-2010 examines the modalities of incorporation of the two most relevant international documents – UN Palermo Protocol and Council of Europe’s Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings in domestic legislation and solutions it envisages. Moreover, a great portion of the report is dedicated to the analysis of the practice which ASTRA as a civil society organization has witnessed from the very beginning of its work. The Report contains six annexes including the report on ASTRA SOS Hotline 2002-2010; the maps of recruitment points in Serbia and human trafficking routes across Serbia and Europe; the results of a survey on citizens’ perception of human trafficking in Serbia; the report on the SerbAz labor exploitation case; the report of discovered trafficking cases and activities undertaken by the police and social welfare centers in 2010 in towns where ASTRA Network member organizations operate.
The Report gives general and specific recommendations in the area of legislation, prevention and victim protection.
The Report has been created in Serbian and in English with the support of the European Union (EIDHR) and OAK Foundation.