Vienna, 30 January 2020. The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) held another in a series of consultative meetings aimed at drafting a General Recommendation on Trafficking in Women and Girls in the Context of Global Migration. The meeting was attended by relevant actors in the field of combating trafficking in human beings, representatives of international and civil society organizations (OHCHR, OSCE, UNODC, UNHCHR, IOM, GRETA, LEFO, ASTRA, ECPAT, Terre des Hommes, …). The topic of the meeting was the regional context and root causes of trafficking in human beings, including specific forms of trafficking in the region, challenges in providing adequate services to women and girls victims, legislative and policy frameworks, governance mechanisms on safe migration in preventing trafficking in women and girls, mechanism for review of the implementation of the Convention and its protocols. ASTRA actively participated in the creation of the content of this meeting. On this occasion, ASTRA Director Marija Andjelkovic moderated a panel dedicated to providing services to women and girls victims of trafficking.
The Committee will publish the first draft of the General Recommendations during March 2020.