ASTRA – Anti Trafficking Action implements Make it work! – fighting trafficking and exploitation of workers project.
Društvo KLJUČ from Slovenia and Partnership for Social Development (PSD) from Croatia
ASTRA – Anti Trafficking Action implements Make it work! – fighting trafficking and exploitation of workers project.
Project raises awareness on EU standards and practices in the sphere of workers’ rights and makes an effort to minimize the risk of them becoming victims of human trafficking and exploitation. It addresses civil society, trade unions, state bodies and the general public to the benefit of workers. The activities include research and situation analysis on the subject matter in Serbia, research on and dissemination of related EU best practices, and establishment of a Hotline for the victims on human trafficking and exploitation in the labour sphere.
Expected results include:
1) Knowledge on the issue of workers’ trafficking advanced and policy development proposals, in line with EU best practices, drafted
2) Working partnership between civil society, trade unions and EU counterparts further strengthened through joint work and development of brochure on safe employment targeting Serbia’s workers
3) Advocacy campaign implemented in Serbia raising awareness on the dangers of trafficking and information provided to the general public
… The proposed project has direct synergies with the following EU documents:
– EC Council Directive against trafficking in human beings (2010)
– Council Directive 2004/81/EC of 29 April 2004 on the residence permit issued to third-country nationals who are victims of trafficking of human beings
– Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council- Action Plan on Unaccompanied Minors (6/5/2010 – COM (2010) 213)
Labour Exploitation and Human Trafficking – Quantitative Research Report
Labour Exploitation and Human Trafficking
Conclusions from the conference on labor exploitation, Belgrade, March 1-2, 2012